How to Eliminate Meltdowns without Losing Your Mind

Uncategorized Jun 25, 2020

If you’re a parent who is certain your child is an HSC, and have been trying to stop the daily meltdowns or lasting irritability…

There’s a hard way to create peace, and there’s a fun way to create peace in your home.

The hard way is the ‘random research’ model. 

Reading, Googling, and listening to all sorts of books, podcasts and videos is exhausting, costs time, money and is draining on your whole family.

You’ll need to sustain your child’s attention for every coping skill you teach…and eventually your HSC will stop trying with you. And you (and your spouse) will resort to yelling, ignoring, walking on eggshells, and punishing.

But there is also a fun way. 

The fun way is through play, validation, and by breaking down shame gently for your child.

Play is the language of children, it’s the only way to actually teach a child and expect your child to retain the information.

Children don’t change their behavior if they don’t feel understood, and validation creates that understanding.

Shame is broken down by connection.  

TRUE connection doesn’t occur for a child if they don’t feel understood, and the only way to do that is to communicate about emotions playfully.

This is how we work together one on one to make that happen.

We identify your child’s specific needs as a Highly Sensitive Child.

We change YOUR perception of how capable your child is in solving her own problems. (Yes, we get you out of your own way!)

We teach your child HOW to communicate by helping you learn to be the emotional leader in your household.

You’ll learn how to stop researching and analyzing broken coping skills that don’t actually work for HSCs. 

You’ll discover how to actually teach your child to love herself, without reassuring her that she’s amazing 100 times a day.

You’ll watch your child SOLVE HER OWN PROBLEMS WITHOUT YOU and proudly declare it (rather than brush it off as if she should never have had the problem in the first place, blaming herself for that).

I’ll show you how to do all that- step by step, so that you prevent more meltdowns than you actually need to “handle.”

So that you eliminate daily meltdowns in under 8 weeks (most of my clients stop seeing daily meltdowns in 4 weeks). 

How do you know you’re ready for this massive change in your family?

Here’s what it means to be READY to fix this problem:

  1. You must be sick and tired of blaming yourself or your kid for their meltdowns.
  2. You must be certain psychiatric medication is not a solution to this problem.
  3. You don’t want to waste your child’s childhood trying to figure out what’s typical behavior and hoping for the best.
  4. You’re ready to help your child be the leader they can be, and know that means you have to model first.
  5. You’re ready to stop surviving meltdowns YESTERDAY. You know desperation does not breed success. You don’t want to wait until you’re too desperate, exhausted and hopeless to change.

If this sounds like you, I’m super excited to show you what this can do for your family. 

Book your call here to get started:


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