How to Shake the "Something's WRONG" with my kid TRAP

When you fear time with your kid because you're walking on eggshells, avoiding daily meltdowns, shut downs or refusals, and your child or teen's BIG behaviors lead to you experiencing another symptom of the meltdown cycle: dread-- it's easy to jump into "diagnosing" the problem.
The problem with that is the 2 "labels" you actually need to break down the dread of your child's BIG emotions and BIG behaviors aren't ones that tell you or your child that they're broken, need to be "fixed" or set them up for negative stereotypes as they age.
The majority of sensitive kids and teens don't actually need a diagnosis or a label.
They fare MUCH better in childhood and adulthood when parents focus on these two factors in eliminating the daily meltdown or shut down cycle.
Join me as I cover what you should prioritize.
Book your call when you're ready to break out of the cycle with a proven plan & support system.

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