Do You Have To Homeschool My HSC?


Are your sensitive child's school days filled with distress and challenges?


Considering homeschooling as the only way to solve this problem?


You undoubtedly want your child’s education to cultivate potential, not erode self-esteem, yet…


Seeing them drowning in overwhelm at home understandably sparks your protective instincts to advocate for drastic change.


This creates a sense of overwhelm for yourself, and yet you and I both know that’s not who you truly are.


You are your child’s advocate.


So, before you pull your kiddo out of school…focus on building that identity, and educate yourself on what it’s like to homeschool.


It might not be right for your family, so it’s important to do your research… but either way, no matter who is your child’s teacher, you will need to be her advocate.


An advocate accurately defines challenges to gain insight, not judgment, from school staff.


An advocate partners with the teaching team, eliminating assumptions of your child’s behavior the teacher needs to learn from you:


Breakdowns likely stem from overload, not defiance, and you are the person who needs to educate the educators how this is happening for your child, even if your child is only melting down at home.


Sensory overload, not ‘laziness’ or ‘distractibility' is a much better fit, don’t you think?


Executive function hurdles, not stubbornness, presumably cause prioritization delays amid excitement or time pressure– and it’s up to you to determine whether your child’s behavior is developmentally appropriate.


Changing how your child’s educators see your child’s behavior will help everyone weather your child’s waves of emotion, while you help your kid decrease the intensity of the waves.


Children need structure and predictability, and if you use school to meet that need for your family, you will need to teach your child to soothe anxiety so curiosity replaces vigilant distress.


Embracing your role as an advocate creates a sharper view of your child’s daily potential, one that’s focused on creatively solving problems no matter the school setting.

Your family’s open-filled future naturally emerges when understanding, not frustration, guides constructive change for your family.


Let compassion fuel your advocacy so together you and teachers forge brighter paths ahead.


Schedule a call - we'll discover what’s holding you back from cultivating advocacy skills & restoring dignity while securing essential school support.


If you want to learn more about homeschooling, I’m featured on the Special Homeschool Summit this upcoming week, feel free to register.


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