How to Get Your Child to Open Up (It's simple...just LISTEN!)

Opening up can be difficult for kids, especially those who are highly sensitive. 


Creating a safe space is key to helping highly sensitive kids feel comfortable opening up. 


But how do you actually do that?


Here are some transformative tips that I’ve cultivated over the years after working with hundreds of families:


#1 Active Listening is Key


Make sure to face your child, maintain eye contact and put other distractions aside when they talk. 


Have you ever spilled your heart out to a friend only to look up and see them scrolling on their phone? Or giving you basic “mmhmm” responses?


You know they’re not listening and it doesn’t feel great.


Imagine your highly sensitive child experiencing the same thing but way more intensely.


Body language and eye contact are so important.


It’s also helpful to repeat back what they said to show you understand. 


Ask open-ended questions to encourage more sharing.


Think back to the scenario above, when you are talking to your friend. The more engaged they are, the more you want to share. 


This is also true for your HSC.


#2 Validate, Don't Judge


Let your child know their feelings make sense and are okay to experience. 


Saying things like "That sounds hard" rather than dismissing what they say will get you a lot further. 


This builds trust so they continue being vulnerable with you.


#3 Show Unconditional Care


Make it clear your love isn't conditional on them being or acting a certain way. 


Reassure them this open communication benefits your relationship, not that it will get them in trouble.


That last bit is key. 


Many highly sensitive children put a lot of pressure on themselves to perform well. 


Adding that kind of pressure to your relationship to do or be a certain way will only make things worse.


Consistency is crucial too. Carve out regular sharing time, no demands - just presence.


Using these techniques, your child will open up more over time. 


But actively building connection takes work - constantly trying strategies with limited results is frustrating.


Our team has helped hundreds of families just like yours take emotional communication to the next level. 


At MTC we provide the guidance, accountability and support you need to see real breakthroughs.


Book a free call with one of our team members. 


We’ll talk about where you’re struggling parenting and where you want to be. 


And if we are a fit to work together we will create a customized plan to get your sensitive child sharing freely. 


It’s time for you to have the tools to sustain openness long-term so you can truly understand each other.


Schedule your call today and let's get started on a deeper bond that will serve your child for life. 


You both deserve to feel fully heard and understood.


Talk soon,

💚 Megghan



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