Myth Busting: Irritability is NOT part of the Highly Sensitive Trait!

I just got off the phone with two parents who explained their child’s behavior as
‘always on’…
…what I heard was that their child is like an electric eel.
Ready to shine her light beautifully, light up the room, but unfortunately, also ready to zap anyone who got in the way of her objective.
The hardest part of parenting a child like this, who is sensitive but smolders it with her FIERY passion, is the labels that come with being “that kid.”
Let’s dive in to learning how “irritability” is actually a sign of a lack of skill, and is not an innate quality of the Highly Sensitive personality trait.
Because once you know more about that, you’ll learn how to see that your child needs to learn more than you think they do at this age to break out of this pattern.
When you’re ready to bust through the meltdown cycle and help your child live their happiest life, book your call here:

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