Why You Keep Thinking Your Child’s Progress Is a Fluke

I just got off a heartbreaking call.

I was speaking with a family who were ready to ship their 10-year old daughter off to her Aunt’s house … Permanently!

This Mom and Dad were at their wits end.

Because they couldn’t imagine 8 more years of parenting stress.

Especially when their daughter was such an angel outside the house.

But at home?

They were being torn apart.

Sadly, I’ve heard things like this many times before.

And if I’m honest, I don’t think these parents would have abandoned their daughter like that.

But unfortunately, when you get to this level, it also tells me something else -

They’d emotionally checked out of parenting.

They’d all but given up on having a relationship with their child.

And when you’re in this spot?

It’s like death by 1,000 tiny cuts.

Because every day breeds more resentment … More frustration … And more guilt.

And knowing you’ve given up on your child eats you alive.

This is why I’m so open and honest in these emails.

Because we need to be aware of what we’re dealing with.

Unlike other coaches, I don’t sugarcoat the truth.

I’ve worked with enough parents now, to know that many brush their challenges under the carpet when their kids are 4, 6, or 8 years old, thinking -

“There’s still time … They’ll grow out of it.”

Unfortunately, they won’t.

Not if you don’t do something about it.

It’s like the boiling frog analogy -

If you put a frog in boiling water, it jumps right out.

But if you put a frog in cold water, and slooooowly raise the temperature, it doesn’t notice a thing … Until it gets boiled alive!

That’s what many parents find when it comes to parenting an HSC.

And I get it, if you’ve seen various experts and not found a solution, you’re (rightly) skeptical that anyone can help you.

But this is why, at MTC, we work with parents in groups.

Many parents put their trust in us and come on board the program, but still don’t fully believe we can help them.

Yet once they connect with other parents going through the same thing -- parents who are further along in the journey with getting help for their HSC -- they see what’s possible.

And while it might not give them overnight relief …

It does give them hope that things can change.

They forget that they were thinking about such drastic tactics.

And that guilt starts to ebb away.

But group work is just 50% of why the parents who come to us get such great results.

The other part?

The unrivaled support we offer.

Our coaches are on hand 24 hours a day, 6 days a week, for 8 straight weeks.

Is that so you become dependent on us?

Absolutely not.

We feel this level of support is 100% necessary if you want to make the most progress possible, in the shortest amount of time.

Otherwise, you end up forgetting about a problem, and not solving it.

That’s the last thing we want for you.

We want parents to finish their time with us, with everything they need to -

Calm the meltdowns.
Get their kid out of the perpetual cycle of anxious outbursts.
Connect with their child on a deeper level than ever before.
And finally enjoy parenting.

Group coaching and amazing support is the combo we use to do just that.

Now, whether this Mom and Dad I spoke about earlier will come and work with us, I don’t know.

I really hope they do.

Because despite what they’re feeling, and the seriousness of their situation, I know we can help them.

And I know we can help you, too.

So whether you’re at the same stage, and worried it’s “too late” to really do anything …

Or you’re at the stage of thinking “Well, things aren’t great, but we have time to fix them …”

I’d encourage you to book a call with us.

The truth is, the longer you leave it, the harder things get with your HSC.

And you’ll never help them, by sending them off to 1-1 therapy on their own.

(Or even 1-1 therapy with you there, too.)

You need to be part of a community at different stages of the journey.

And you need that virtually round-the-clock support that traditional therapists simply can’t provide.

So use this link to book your call with us today, and let’s talk about helping you and your kiddo.

For families with high school aged teens: book your call here.


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