Reactively Fighting Fire With Fire?

As an expert in parenting sensitive children stuck in the meltdown cycle, I know your daily struggles are overwhelming. 


You want the best for your kids, yet traditional disciplining often backfires, worsening behaviors and hardening family dynamics… so you’ve obviously done away with that…


…until you hit your limit. 


Please don't lose hope - there is a better way.


You can use gentle parenting philosophy with a sensitive child who is stuck in the meltdown cycle and passionate, driven, and fiery. 


But you need to add structure.


You know research shows meltdowns usually stem not from defiance, but from sensitivities becoming overloaded without constructive outlets. 


Since sensitive kids process emotions deeply and seek understanding, problems are exacerbated when they’re overwhelmed by their own inflexible demands. 


Taking this perspective allows you to change your level of empathy for your child.


Have you ever vented?


Doesn’t it simultaneously feel crappy and relieving at the same time? Like a quick fix that ultimately recreates stress?


Isn’t it easier to express your concerns without getting so passionately upset? 


Consider your child’s meltdown and aggressive demands like a ‘vent’ session– clearly this isn’t their true self. 


There is absolutely a better way… so let’s stay out of sabotage by falling back into your old patterns (or taught patterns of removing privileges), shall we?


Well-meaning consequences can ping perceived unfairness, fueling power struggles rather than teaching skills.


Instead of willpower alone, empathy and problem-solving as a united front empowers sensitive souls, so let’s uncover what this meltdown cycle is really all about.


Your child’s freak outs are ‘controlled’ by these reactions of yours… but not for long.


Over-functioning through reactivity risks enabling learned helplessness too, while disengaging leaves big feelings unresolved, so I totally get it. 


When you’re in the meltdown cycle, it will feel like one or the other extreme is your only option when your child’s behavior is extreme.


Communication and bonding nourishes cooperation where control breeds conflict. 


It’s time to take back control in a better way- fostering resilience through compassion is an alternative to this frustrating cycle.


Book your call with our team and let us help you change how you relate to your child, so their emotional intensity changes.


A rising tide lifts all ships– time to set sail!


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