Summer Camp Prep

While most kids couldn’t be more excited for summer …

… for HSCs, it can be a time of stress, anxiety, and confusion.

That’s why I’m writing today’s post.

After working with 600+ families over the past decade, I know just how difficult summer can be.

Whether you’ve got kids off to camp … You’re planning days out … Or it’s just a break in routine …

HSCs can struggle. 

There’s a bunch of stuff I could share.

But I figured the best way to kick things off was to give you a few pointers for the most challenging scenario - If your kid’s off to some kind of summer camp.

So here we go …

First and foremost, I always say it, but getting them prepared ahead of time is vital.

Make them aware they might be in situations where they aren’t 100% comfortable.

Speak with them about what emotions might come up.

And coach them through being emotionally resilient.

You can go a step further as well, and give them some physical aids to help.

Noise canceling headphones are a star player here, especially for kids who are sensitive to loud, unexpected noises.

Likewise, you can send any comforting items from home along with them.

These things alone can immediately help your kiddo feel calmer and more at ease.

Seeing if your kid can opt out of certain activities is also an option.

Sure, we want to see them adapt and thrive …

But at the same time, if you know they’re not ready for certain things just yet, make them know it’s okay to skip these.

Speak with the camp staff, too.

You want them to be aware of your child’s needs. But here’s the thing – Camp staff are often stressed, run ragged, and find it hard to dedicate too much time to one particular kid, which is totally understandable.

So what you want to do is frame your child’s needs as gifts, not as difficulties. 

We all know how some people can be when they don’t understand HSCs, so if you know your kid’s going to be around staff who are flexible and patient, not only will that make their life easier … It’ll help you stress less, too.

Bonus tip: Ask about the camp’s discipline policy.

And try to find somewhere that has staff who are trained to handle meltdowns.

Okay, that might not always be possible.

But again, most of this is about being as prepared as you can be, even if things aren’t “perfect.”

One other thing you might want to check, is whether some activities can be made shorter.

Things like trips to the zoo or water parks can be great fun for your kiddo, but potentially overwhelming, too.

And so if they have the option just to go along for a little while, or to take a break and just be on their own with an instructor, away from the commotion for a while, that can be super helpful.

Above all - Give your child extra love and support.

Show them they can do this.

And while they might face challenges, like new environments, dealing with other (often loud or boisterous) kids, and frequent transitions between activities …

… camp is about having fun, and experiencing new things.

Many kids take 3 or 4 days at camp to fully adjust.

So don’t be afraid to call and check in with them if you need.

And also, if this is their first experience of camp, don’t expect it to be perfect.

Life throws us curveballs.

And as a parent of an HSC, your curveballs often come at you at 100 miles per hour!

(And from multiple directions.)

Through a blend of emotional coping strategies, discussions with camp staff, and tailoring things to fit around your kid though, there’s no reason why they shouldn’t go to camp and have a blast.

See, while things as a parent of an HSC are very rarely “easy” …

They can be a whole lot EASIER.

When you have a plan, a strategy, and support, at least.

And that’s what we provide to all our clients, here at MTC.

Doesn’t matter if you’re battling multiple meltdowns a day …

Your kid’s on the verge of being thrown out of school …

Or they generally do okay day-to-day, but anything out of the ordinary, like pirates, big family gatherings or summer camp, cause chaos …

We can help.

All you need to do is go here and book some time to speak with us. 

For families with high school age teens, click here.

We’ll walk you, step-by-step through exactly what you need for your kiddo, in your specific situation.

So if you’re struggling right now, believe me, there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

And you can reach that light, by booking your call today

Talk soon,



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