My Kid NEEDS their tablet. Am I a bad parent..?


Let’s get two things straight.

#1 You’re not a bad parent.

#2 Screen time is not a coping skill.


Using a screen to distract your thoughts does not shut your brain off. 

It puts your mind on pause.

There is a difference between regulated and checked out. Screens help you check out. 

Your child has a negative emotion, 

pulls out their screen to distract themselves from that feeling, 

stacks the emotional information they absorb from the screen PLUS the negative emotion, 

and the original negative emotion is NEVER dealt with…

...Only leading to Meltdown City. 

When you pull out the tablet, you’re telling your kid to distract themselves.

“Distract yourself from your tantrum because I can’t deal with it, and neither can you.”

I know you do NOT want to be that parent… that’s why you are here.

 Watch LIVE to learn how to handle screen time in your household.

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