As a parent of a highly sensitive child, you're already blazing your own trail.
You've rejected the old, harsh discipline methods that you grew up with.
Instead, you're committed to raising an emotionally resilient child using positive parenting strategies.
But when Grandma and Grandpa see you comforting your child through a meltdown instead of sending them to their room, the disapproving looks and unsolicited advice can make you second guess yourself.
How do you stay firm in your nontraditional parenting style when facing criticism from the older generation?
Here are 3 key principles to keep in mind:
Lead with your "why"
Explain to your parents or in-laws the research and reasons behind your gentle parenting approach. Help them see that you're not being "soft", but rather intentional in raising an emotionally healthy child.
Find common ground in shared values
Emphasize that you share the same end goal: raising...
It’s one of the top nightmares that a parent can experience.
Your kid gets kicked out of school.
Now what?
Or maybe you’re just on edge 24/7, waiting for the day it happens.
Regardless of where you are, I don’t need to remind you that this is no way to live.
When you are in full on worry mode, you simply can’t be your best self.
Walking on eggshells around this problem doesn’t fix it either.
So let’s rewind.
If your child struggles with the daily or weekly meltdowns,
This can manifest in many different ways.
Sometimes, meltdowns can move from tears to anger between blinks.
Your kid could go from screaming to hitting and kicking a matter for seconds.
And you usually don’t even know where this aggression is coming from.
If this is happening at school, it’s even scarier to manage.
It usually involves multiple school officials,
Time outs, getting your red card pulled, getting sent to the principal's office,
All things that feel...
It’s like that song Manic Monday, except it sounds more like “....Actually everyday is like this...And I don’t know why my kid is miserable!”
When your child won’t wake up on time and the meltdown starts before they even open their eyes all the way, dread sits in the back of your throat while you sleep. You can't help but think:
"Tomorrow morning is going to be another s*** show."
Take our client Diana. After 3 years of dealing with major meltdowns, she was worried that her relationship with her HSC (3rd grade) would not survive into adulthood.
Watch LIVE while I bust some myths about meltdowns and what you need to focus on in 3 steps. (Spoiler: it’s not a sleep routine!)
For sensitive children:
For sensitive teens:
Let’s get two things straight.
#1 You’re not a bad parent.
#2 Screen time is not a coping skill.
Using a screen to distract your thoughts does not shut your brain off.
It puts your mind on pause.
There is a difference between regulated and checked out. Screens help you check out.
Your child has a negative emotion,
pulls out their screen to distract themselves from that feeling,
stacks the emotional information they absorb from the screen PLUS the negative emotion,
and the original negative emotion is NEVER dealt with…
...Only leading to Meltdown City.
When you pull out the tablet, you’re telling your kid to distract themselves.
“Distract yourself from your tantrum because I can’t deal with it, and neither can you.”
I know you do NOT want to be that parent… that’s why you are here.
Watch LIVE to learn how to handle screen time in your household.
Book a call with my team at ...
Hitting, kicking, screaming, cursing, running away… Are you raising a sociopath?
“Don’t you notice that he’s hurt!”
“See, you made him cry!”
...Are phrases that create shame in your child and keep this cycle going.
But how else do you get your HSC to notice the outcome of what they’re doing?
Ask yourself: Are you still blaming your sensitive kid for their lack of empathy?
When kids feel overstimulated, they SEE RED.
If your child is making UNSAFE choices when they see red,
Hitting and acting like they are out of control in their own bodies,
Once the meltdown hits, your kid is no longer in control of their body. This TERRIFIES them.
When their body is out of control, EVERYTHING is a threat.
They can't learn, think, and see outside of themselves.
Watch the replay to learn more about why empathy is NOT the problem.
...You’ve talked to your sensitive kid or teen about why it’s important to bathe and you still have a stinky kid. What gives?
Your instinct as a parent is to tell your child WHY their body needs to stay clean.
You've read advice like:
“Explain the consequences of not bathing!“
“Just tell them to suck it up!”
Here’s the thing. It’s never logic that holds your kid back from taking action.
Because you’re not addressing the actual problem...
Watch the video to learn how to help your child get past their hygiene meltdown, and click the link to book a call with my team to end the meltdown cycle for good.
Parents of sensitive teens:
You have plans to go on a romantic vacation with your spouse for the first time in years.
Your marriage needs this.
When was the last time you REALLY connected, with zero distractions?
You try to get away… you’re at dinner, your phone rings… and it’s your kid. Again.
Immediate dread.
They are hysterical because Nana doesn’t know the password to the iPad.
This is the third time they have called in the last hour.
You say, “Why did I even bother?”
…What do you do?
If this sounds familiar, what if I told you there was an option that didn’t rely on survival-mode parenting?
You need a system, support, accountability, and a plan.
Join me LIVE to learn how to stop your HSC from melting down when you have to leave town.
If you're ready to break this down with clear, evidenced based playful strategies to create a system that has worked...
When it comes to breaking the meltdown cycle, many parents will want to address where they get stuck with their child's behavior, and none of that will matter without getting unstuck in your own behavior.
You know you play a pivotal role in managing your own emotions, but on the live video I made this week I discussed how you play a pivotal role in perpetuating the meltdown cycle, through your own understanding of the cycle itself.
I discuss the 6 Coping Potholes in Parenting an HSC and the one thing you need to change to fix them all in this video.
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