How To Know If Therapy is Actually Helping Your HSC


Taking your child to therapy to help them manage their emotions makes you a great parent.

This might seem like an obvious statement, it’s true.

You’ve chosen to take a different route than your parents probably took,

Because therapy is less stigmatized now than it was even ten years ago.

That takes a lot of guts and trust in yourself.

The thing is, if your child is Highly Sensitive and stuck in the meltdown cycle,

Therapy will not be the best option for your kid.

You might know this, but feel like there are no other options,

And that is where MTC comes in.

First, I want to go over what might not be working in therapy, and why.

If your child is suffering from daily meltdowns,

Hitting, kicking, screaming, flailing, running up to their room and slamming the door,

A therapist will talk about those things with your kid, after the fact.

They will ask them why they think that happened,

And have an in-depth session that could involve both talk therapy and play therapy.

But then,...

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Why Does My Kid Hate Me?

Grabbing your phone in the middle of the night and googling “Why does my kid hate me?” is an experience that I think all parents of sensitive kids and teens have.

You knew that you would sign up for sleepless nights when your kid was an infant.

But now, you lie awake and ponder questions you never prepared for.

Why does my kid hate me?

Why does my kid hide things from me?

How do I get my kid to tell me what’s wrong?

And the worst part about googling these questions is that you never find answers.

The internet, which can tell you almost anything, cannot tell you about your kid.

You know your kid.

So why can’t you figure out the answer to this one?

There are plenty of reasons why, but to give you the jist:

You’re hurt. 

Your feelings are hurt because you are a human, not just a parent.

And you are having trouble sorting through your own feelings to see what is really going on here.

That doesn’t make you a selfish person, or a bad parent.


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What to do when our kid gets kicked out of school?


It’s one of the top nightmares that a parent can experience.

Your kid gets kicked out of school. 

Now what?

Or maybe you’re just on edge 24/7, waiting for the day it happens.

Regardless of where you are, I don’t need to remind you that this is no way to live.

When you are in full on worry mode, you simply can’t be your best self.

Walking on eggshells around this problem doesn’t fix it either.

So let’s rewind. 

If your child struggles with the daily or weekly meltdowns,

This can manifest in many different ways.

Sometimes, meltdowns can move from tears to anger between blinks.

Your kid could go from screaming to hitting and kicking a matter for seconds.

And you usually don’t even know where this aggression is coming from.

If this is happening at school, it’s even scarier to manage.

It usually involves multiple school officials,

Time outs, getting your red card pulled, getting sent to the principal's office,

All things that feel...

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Hygiene Hysteria: How to Get Your HSC to Brush Their Teeth Without A Fight

A question you never thought you’d ask other parents when you decided to become a parent:

How long does it take your kid to brush their teeth?

Because you know that even though it’s an annoying and daily chore,

We all need to do it. 

For at least two minutes, if we are following health guidelines.

So why does it take your kid 15, 30, or even longer to get through a two minute daily activity?

You’ve probably asked yourself that before. 

And if you’ve asked other parents, they probably had a mouthful of information to share.

“I’ve just given up on brushing her teeth in the morning. We just do it at night.”

“This one toothbrush my son uses lights up and plays a song! It helps.”

“Just tell your kid their teeth will rot and fall out of their head. Fear works, mama!”

Some of these tactics may have worked for you temporarily,

But you know the problem is not just brushing their teeth.

Because this started when your...

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How to Spot a Fake Parenting Coach


Fake coaches and scam programs are not talked about enough.

You can’t scroll through Facebook for five seconds without finding someone selling their “life changing” program.

And since your search history is what apps use to target ads, 

If you’ve been searching for help on Google,

I.e “How can I stop meltdowns?”

You’re probably flooded with options.

But as you know, the internet is full of information.

It gives strangers the opportunity to position themselves as an “expert” by calling themselves one.

Tune in to learn more about how to spot a fake parenting coach, and why it’s incredibly important to know exactly who you’re working with.

For Highly Sensitive Teens:  

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What happens if the meltdowns NEVER stop?


I send you a lot of emails about why ending the meltdown cycle is key to creating a better life for your family.

But rarely do I talk about how it could lead to a successful future for your child.

That is what I want to talk about today.

If you’ve been following me for a while, 

you may have seen my video, What is your HSC’s potential?

If not, you can watch it here: 


That’s where I discuss how the Highly Sensitive trait is a gift when you know how to use it.

Today let’s discuss what could happen if the meltdowns never stop.

Which sounds terrifying… because it is.

Tune in to hear how meltdowns play out for HSCs when they grow into adults… and potentially rob them of opportunities.


For Highly Sensitive Teens: 

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Choosing Sports Over Meltdownsā€¦ the Wrong Thing to Do?


Changing from soccer to an individual sport doesn’t end the meltdown cycle.

If your kid is in a team sport,

And the hustle and bustle, along with the quick pivoting of many teammates is overwhelming…

It’s tempting for you to throw in the towel with that sport.

Try something new.

But you already did that… right?

Especially if your child has after game meltdowns.

Or worse, mid game aggression. 

Changing sports based on your child’s emotion is a short-sighted solution.

Watch to find out why.

For Highly Sensitive Teens:  

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Should You Teach Your HSC Not to Care What People Think?


Opinions are like armpits. 

Everyone has them, but we only think that each others’ stink.

Has anyone ever made you feel like your Highly Sensitive child is TOO rambunctious?

Maybe your kid gets too hyper and accidentally breaks their iPad.

Or maybe they start running around and screaming at 10pm and won’t stop.

Having a child that is bursting with joy occasionally is normal,

But if your HSC can’t make a playdate because they are know as a tornado of destruction,

That isn’t going to make them feel good.

It’s hard enough feeling different from other kids.

But to be told you are TOO MUCH makes you want to shrink into the smallest person possible.

And you see your HSC has a gift of BIG joy that is a little too big to contain…

Why can’t others see that?


Tune in LIVE to hear what to do when your HSC feels like “too much,”

For Highly Sensitive Teens:


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Planning for Your Big Move is Causing Meltdowns


Moving sucks. Period.

While it may bring feelings of excitement for the future,

And you may be getting the house of your dreams,

Or the career you finally deserve…

It is one of the most stressful life events we can face. Especially if you’re going states away.

And if you have a Highly Sensitive child that already goes through life feeling like a raw nerve,

Moving can feel like TOO MUCH.

So, how can we make it through a move while helping your HSC prepare for what’s ahead?

Tune in to learn more about how to make it through the move in one piece.

For Highly Sensitive Teens:  

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If Your HSC Hates Haircuts... You'll Want to Hear This


Unless you’re a hairdresser, put the scissors and clippers DOWN.

It is possible for your HSC to get a haircut without a meltdown. Read those words again.

It is possible for your HSC to get a haircut without hitting, kicking, scratching, and screaming. 

You might roll your eyes and think, “Megghan, MY kid can’t handle it. You don’t get it.” 

I do get it. 

Your kid IS terrified. That is true. They’re uncomfortable. They’re itchy and they can’t take it.

Their meltdown may have been traumatizing for you AND them, and the hairdresser.

And I understand why you’d go to great lengths to avoid that from happening again.


Tune in to learn why cutting your kid’s hair is NOT the answer here.


For Highly Sensitive Teens:

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