How to Prepare for A Meltdown-Free Summer

As summertime approaches, the change in seasons makes everything feel lighter.

Until you’re hit with the realization that just because you’ve stopped dealing with school refusal, summer camp refusal is right around the corner.

Or you know that screen time for your teen is about to increase tenfold and be way harder to manage.

Let’s face it.

Being a parent is more than a full-time job and when you have a kid that is stuck in the meltdown/shutdown cycle,

It feels like you never really get a break.

But what if I told you that this summer, you can break the meltdown cycle in as little as 8 weeks?

It’s totally in the realm of possibility for your family.

I know that because it’s what we do here at MTC.

Our team of experts work with parents to eliminate suicidal thoughts and actions among kids and teens by teaching parents how to help their children manage their emotions.

And now that you know exactly what we do here,

I’m going to tell you how you can...

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How Can I Help My Kid if They Keep Running Away from Me?

It’s true that you can only help people who WANT your help.

That includes your children.

This is a tough spot to be in, because not only do you want to help your child,

It’s literally your most important job on the planet.

It’s scary when you feel like you can’t help your kid.

It’s even scarier when they run away from you and you know they’re upset.

So when your kid shut you out or physically runs away from you,

What do you do first?

Find your kid… Then what?

Lecture them on the dangers of running away?

Yell at them in hopes that if they feel afraid, they won’t repeat the behavior?

Or walk on eggshells in case they do it again?

Chances are, you’ve tried all 3 things here, so I’m going to tell you what you HAVEN’T tried.

Here it is:

Eliminating the daily meltdown cycle all together.

And at MTC, you can do that in as little as 8 weeks.

First, I want to walk you through why your child is exhibiting this behavior.


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Rewriting Our Familyā€™s Story: Savannah & Alan


If it feels like your HSC is down in the dumps more than the average kid,

You’ll want to hear this.

You are not alone.

Our client Savannah knows exactly how that feels, and that feeling was HARD to work through.

Savannah’s story is common for parents who are stuck in the meltdown cycle.

She wanted to be a mom for such a long time,

And the fact that her child seemed melancholy SO often was disheartening.

She describes her HSC as feeling upset and on edge constantly,

Crying often,

And even stated that there was a lack of connection.

She felt like no matter how much her and Alan tried, 

They could not meet their HSC’s needs.

She also felt like she could not help her child in the midst of a meltdown.

And that was really discouraging.

In Savannah’s words, “I felt helpless. I was failing myself and my daughter.”

So how did this family break out of the meltdown cycle with MTC’s help?

Tune in to hear Savannah’s story.


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Do You Ever Feel Like Having A Child Ruined Your Life?


Have you ever felt like having a kid ruined your life?

I KNOW this statement is incredibly controversial…

However, when you work with parents whose children are suffering so badly with daily meltdowns like I do, 

It’s a statement that we hear frequently.

A statement that, of course, is the most shameful thing a parent can admit to.

Because anyone with a pulse and a drop of empathy knows that even having that thought for a fleeting moment ONCE must affect your relationship with your kid… 

And their relationship with themselves.

And since we only work with awesome parents, who always have awesome kids, 

Admitting something like this is not only gut-wrenching.

It can be paralyzing.

But don’t fret just yet. We have the answers you need. Tune in to hear more.


For Highly Sensitive Teens:  

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Your HSC is Not As Fragile As You Think


When we have babies, we learn how incredible the miracle of creating a human can be.

It is amazing to see our fragile infants grow into toddlers, children, teens, and then adults.

But if your child is Highly Sensitive, you may feel like that fragility hasn’t left your kid yet.

And I’m not talking about physical development.

I’m talking about kids who still cry over spilt milk (literally) at 7 or 8 years old,

The same way they did when they were 2. 

Or kids who have meltdowns over what seems like everything…

Again, this is not the “terrible twos” we’re talking about here.

Kids who are stuck in the meltdown cycle feel like a ticking time bomb,

And parents of HSC’s stuck in this cycle are tip-toeing around their sensitive emotions,

Because you assume they’re too fragile to handle anything out of place.

Tune in to learn why your HSC is not as fragile as you think, and why it’s important to own that fact. 



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The Thief That Stole Thanksgiving


Tis the season of good food and gratitude!

When you go around the family table and ask what everyone is grateful for,

Do you find yourself bracing for the possibility of a meltdown...?

Maybe you’re not even there yet.

Maybe you’re still trying to get your HSC to come out of their room and say hello to their cousins,

Or trying to get them to lose the attitude with Grandpa that they suddenly have,

Or simply put on their shoes to leave the house…

Whichever stage you feel stuck on, you’re not alone.

Family gatherings are stressful during the holidays, no matter how much you love your family.

Tune in if you’re nervous about the holidays... because Thanksgiving is already NEXT WEEK.

For Highly Sensitive Teens:  

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Are you still blaming your sensitive kid for a lack of empathy?


Hitting, kicking, screaming, cursing, running away… Are you raising a sociopath?

“Don’t you notice that he’s hurt!” 

“See, you made him cry!” 

...Are phrases that create shame in your child and keep this cycle going. 

But how else do you get your HSC to notice the outcome of what they’re doing?

Ask yourself: Are you still blaming your sensitive kid for their lack of empathy?

When kids feel overstimulated, they SEE RED.

If your child is making UNSAFE choices when they see red, 

Hitting and acting like they are out of control in their own bodies, 


Once the meltdown hits, your kid is no longer in control of their body. This TERRIFIES them.

When their body is out of control, EVERYTHING is a threat.

They can't learn, think, and see outside of themselves.  

Watch the replay to learn more about why empathy is NOT the problem.

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5 Lessons Weā€™ve Learned from Saving over 200 Families from the Meltdown/Shutdown Cycle

We’ve met parents with HSCs that scream things like “You’d be better off without me,” or “I wish I was dead.”
Or they implode internally like an underwater volcano - silent, yet disruptive to their environment.
Somewhere between locking you out of their lives and refusing to let go of your hand.
Then there’s you...
...walking on eggshells.
Caught between two different parenting books.
Another cancelled playdate.
Frustration, guilt, resentment… then burn out.
The cycle is relentless.
You try to ask your friends how they stop the cycle, and each kid is different
And it's even tougher to stay consistent when you're a Highly Sensitive parent.
Seems impossible to achieve, but it can be incredibly simple.
Join me to hear the top 5 lessons we've learned, and why you MUST implement them.
To break the cycle for good, book a call with our team.
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Feeling manipulated?


That moment when you think....

"Is she doing this on purpose?"

"Maybe he's just going this for attention?"

"Is my child manipulating me?" 

Whether it's trying to get homework done, being put to bed on time or just getting out the door- the thought lingers in the back, or front, of your mind. 

What about when you realize your child's meltdowns are controlling the entire day?  Is that what they wanted all along?  Is this how it's always going to be?

Join me to learn the truth about what's really going on.  

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[Video] She was one FRIED mama!


How one FRIED mama went from wearing her baby NONSTOP to keep him safe from her preschooler’s hits, to regularly relaxing on the couch with her hubby while the kids play safely.

Join me in learning from Toni’s journey from fear, hyper-vigilance, and trying all of the strategies, to calmly supporting her son in ceasing the meltdown cycle…all with more energy and while taking on a new job! 

Watch the video now!

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