MYTH BUSTING: Perfectionism: Discussing Depth of Processing vs Analysis Paralysis

Join me as I bust a myth about perfectionism and the Highly Sensitive trait.
When parents share that their Highly Sensitive Child is a 'perfectionist' they can often attribute this to the personality trait.
When this happens, it's hard to discern how to help your child grow without dulling their sensitive strengths.
Learn about the difference between perfectionism, depth of processing, and analysis paralysis with me today.
When your child is stuck in "I can't" or "I don't know how" you can feel quite frustrated as a parent...
...wanting to push, or pull them beyond their comfort zone.
Unfortunately, that will usually backfire.
Let's discuss how to guide your child towards being comfortable with discomfort, so they can grow beyond their current skill set.
If you're ready to truly address this problem from the root, it's time to book a call.
Click the link below to speak to a member of my team to...
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How are YOU nourishing your childā€™s emotional diet?

Your child learns how to manage her feelings from you. If your HSC isn’t managing herself, naming her own emotions, or calming herself down, there is a missing link in how you are teaching & leading in your home, ESPECIALLY if daily meltdowns are happening in your home.

HSCs do not learn to generalize the skill of managing emotions from any other professional or environment but from their parent. 

Without daily focus on communicating emotions safely, and learning how to do this independently as a child, your HSC will learn to require others to make her feel better.

This means she will be a boat untethered in a storm as a teen. Wishing for her friends to tell her what to do, but worrying about how she will look if she asks them what to do.

...Wallowing in internal sorrow, and fearful of what others think. 

...Experiencing continued anxiety at best, debilitating depression at worst.

As a young adult she will turn from wishing for direction and emotional support to...

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