Do You Ever Feel Like Having A Child Ruined Your Life?


Have you ever felt like having a kid ruined your life?

I KNOW this statement is incredibly controversial…

However, when you work with parents whose children are suffering so badly with daily meltdowns like I do, 

It’s a statement that we hear frequently.

A statement that, of course, is the most shameful thing a parent can admit to.

Because anyone with a pulse and a drop of empathy knows that even having that thought for a fleeting moment ONCE must affect your relationship with your kid… 

And their relationship with themselves.

And since we only work with awesome parents, who always have awesome kids, 

Admitting something like this is not only gut-wrenching.

It can be paralyzing.

But don’t fret just yet. We have the answers you need. Tune in to hear more.


For Highly Sensitive Teens:  

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Eating Habits: My Sensitive Kid Keeps Under/Over Eating


As a parent, you wear a million hats, but there’s really only one that is essential.

Keep your kid healthy - in a literal sense.

Feed them.

Today I’m going to talk about how your child’s eating habits play a role in the meltdown cycle if your child is also suffering from daily meltdowns. 

First, some housekeeping. 

I’m not a dietician. 

I have no formal educational background in nutrition.

I don’t claim to know what the best thing to feed your child is, 

And I also am not qualified to give you information on what to feed them,

or how to help them with measuring their food intake. 

(This is why we have an OT parent consultant on our team.)

What I am qualified to teach you is how eating habits can play a role in the meltdown cycle. 

Want to know how? Tune in to find out.


For Highly Sensitive Teens:  

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My Kid Was Fine Last Year… Why is EVERYTHING Stressing Them Out Now?


You always think you’ve finally figured out what triggers a meltdown…

Until the sun rises again and a new issue comes with it.

It’s hard being a parent, we know this.

But it can almost feel like your kid is just being dramatic,

Or doing this on purpose to get attention. 

If these are thoughts YOU’VE had, you’re not alone.

And you’re not a bad parent either.

As an expert on the Highly Sensitive trait, I can tell you straight up that your kid is NOT doing this on purpose.

Children cannot manipulate their parents.

They don’t have the internal hardwiring in their brains to do so.

So, why does your kid HATE places and events they used to love?

Why do they throw a fit now or totally refuse, when they used to go willingly?

Watch this video to find out. 


For Highly Sensitive Teens: 

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Your HSC is Not As Fragile As You Think


When we have babies, we learn how incredible the miracle of creating a human can be.

It is amazing to see our fragile infants grow into toddlers, children, teens, and then adults.

But if your child is Highly Sensitive, you may feel like that fragility hasn’t left your kid yet.

And I’m not talking about physical development.

I’m talking about kids who still cry over spilt milk (literally) at 7 or 8 years old,

The same way they did when they were 2. 

Or kids who have meltdowns over what seems like everything…

Again, this is not the “terrible twos” we’re talking about here.

Kids who are stuck in the meltdown cycle feel like a ticking time bomb,

And parents of HSC’s stuck in this cycle are tip-toeing around their sensitive emotions,

Because you assume they’re too fragile to handle anything out of place.

Tune in to learn why your HSC is not as fragile as you think, and why it’s important to own that fact. 



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Is it Bad to Feel Embarrassed by Your HSC's Behaviors?


No matter how much we love our children,

We can feel embarrassed by their behavior. 

Whether it’s screaming their head off in a grocery store and crashing carts,

Or being rude to strangers by not using manners…

As a parent, it’s hard to watch sometimes.

On one hand, you know that you never want to make your child feel like they’re embarrassing you.

You don’t want THEM to feel the shame you are feeling.

And you might already feel guilty for being embarrassed in the first place.

But you can feel other parents' eyes burning a hole in the back of your head when your HSC is throwing themselves on the floor in Target.

So, is it bad to feel embarrassed by your HSC’s behavior? Tune in to find out.


For Highly Sensitive Teens: 

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How the Meltdowns Stole Christmas


Do you suffer from anxiety around Christmas time?

I think we all do, but when you’re a parent of an HSC struggling with meltdowns, 

You are probably thinking at least three times as much as the average parent.

“I better make sure each sibling has an equal amount of gifts.”

“We’ll have to come up with an excuse to leave the Christmas party early so Sarah can watch A Christmas Story again.”

“I’ll take the long way to Grandma’s to avoid passing by the toy store, otherwise we’ll have to stop again.”

On top of the grocery list, gifts to mail out, and Christmas card addresses…

It’s no wonder you are feeling anxious. 

The Grinch was anxious around Christmas time too, but for a different reason.

Tune in to learn more about what the story of the Grinch can tell us about our Highly Sensitive children.

For Highly Sensitive Teens:


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The Difference Between the Highly Sensitive Trait and Autism


Let’s get one thing straight.

Autism Spectrum Disorder and Sensory Processing Sensitivity are two different things.

If your child is Highly Sensitive, that does not mean they are on the Autism Spectrum.

I’m referring to something I read a few weeks ago while scrolling away on Instagram.

I saw a “Wellness Coach” claim that the Highly Sensitive Personality trait is just a way for therapists to downplay someone’s autistic traits…

Which is simply not true… 

And science proves that.

It’s important to note that this individual in particular was not speaking from their own experience of an autism misdiagnosis…

So this is an example of how harmful (and easy) it can be to spread false information.

Tune in for a scientific and historical lesson on the difference between ASD and SPS.


For Highly Sensitive Teens: 

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How to Spot a Fake Parenting Coach


Fake coaches and scam programs are not talked about enough.

You can’t scroll through Facebook for five seconds without finding someone selling their “life changing” program.

And since your search history is what apps use to target ads, 

If you’ve been searching for help on Google,

I.e “How can I stop meltdowns?”

You’re probably flooded with options.

But as you know, the internet is full of information.

It gives strangers the opportunity to position themselves as an “expert” by calling themselves one.

Tune in to learn more about how to spot a fake parenting coach, and why it’s incredibly important to know exactly who you’re working with.

For Highly Sensitive Teens:  

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What happens if the meltdowns NEVER stop?


I send you a lot of emails about why ending the meltdown cycle is key to creating a better life for your family.

But rarely do I talk about how it could lead to a successful future for your child.

That is what I want to talk about today.

If you’ve been following me for a while, 

you may have seen my video, What is your HSC’s potential?

If not, you can watch it here: 


That’s where I discuss how the Highly Sensitive trait is a gift when you know how to use it.

Today let’s discuss what could happen if the meltdowns never stop.

Which sounds terrifying… because it is.

Tune in to hear how meltdowns play out for HSCs when they grow into adults… and potentially rob them of opportunities.


For Highly Sensitive Teens: 

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Choosing Sports Over Meltdowns… the Wrong Thing to Do?


Changing from soccer to an individual sport doesn’t end the meltdown cycle.

If your kid is in a team sport,

And the hustle and bustle, along with the quick pivoting of many teammates is overwhelming…

It’s tempting for you to throw in the towel with that sport.

Try something new.

But you already did that… right?

Especially if your child has after game meltdowns.

Or worse, mid game aggression. 

Changing sports based on your child’s emotion is a short-sighted solution.

Watch to find out why.

For Highly Sensitive Teens:  

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