Should You Teach Your HSC Not to Care What People Think?


Opinions are like armpits. 

Everyone has them, but we only think that each others’ stink.

Has anyone ever made you feel like your Highly Sensitive child is TOO rambunctious?

Maybe your kid gets too hyper and accidentally breaks their iPad.

Or maybe they start running around and screaming at 10pm and won’t stop.

Having a child that is bursting with joy occasionally is normal,

But if your HSC can’t make a playdate because they are know as a tornado of destruction,

That isn’t going to make them feel good.

It’s hard enough feeling different from other kids.

But to be told you are TOO MUCH makes you want to shrink into the smallest person possible.

And you see your HSC has a gift of BIG joy that is a little too big to contain…

Why can’t others see that?


Tune in LIVE to hear what to do when your HSC feels like “too much,”

For Highly Sensitive Teens:


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Planning for Your Big Move is Causing Meltdowns


Moving sucks. Period.

While it may bring feelings of excitement for the future,

And you may be getting the house of your dreams,

Or the career you finally deserve…

It is one of the most stressful life events we can face. Especially if you’re going states away.

And if you have a Highly Sensitive child that already goes through life feeling like a raw nerve,

Moving can feel like TOO MUCH.

So, how can we make it through a move while helping your HSC prepare for what’s ahead?

Tune in to learn more about how to make it through the move in one piece.

For Highly Sensitive Teens:  

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If Your HSC Hates Haircuts... You'll Want to Hear This


Unless you’re a hairdresser, put the scissors and clippers DOWN.

It is possible for your HSC to get a haircut without a meltdown. Read those words again.

It is possible for your HSC to get a haircut without hitting, kicking, scratching, and screaming. 

You might roll your eyes and think, “Megghan, MY kid can’t handle it. You don’t get it.” 

I do get it. 

Your kid IS terrified. That is true. They’re uncomfortable. They’re itchy and they can’t take it.

Their meltdown may have been traumatizing for you AND them, and the hairdresser.

And I understand why you’d go to great lengths to avoid that from happening again.


Tune in to learn why cutting your kid’s hair is NOT the answer here.


For Highly Sensitive Teens:

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Why Rewarding your Kid for “Good” Behavior Stops Working


Rest in pieces, behavior chart. Thanks for destroying my kid…

Said every parent of a Highly Sensitive teen who wants to know ‘what’s in it for them’ when they need to clean the moldy dishes out of their room.

Tune in to learn WHY External rewards don’t teach your kid anything about managing their own behavior, and how it does more harm than good.

For Sensitive Teens: 

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Friends Frenemies Enemies and Navigating social skills with your HSC


Friends, frenemies and enemies, Oh my!

Navigating social skills with your HSC can feel like trying to read a map that keeps changing mid-drive.

You know your kid is sensitive, 

So how can you help them navigate through social situations without saying “toughen up!”

Because you’ve tried that already…

It didn’t work… right?

Making friends might be hard for your HSC, so what do you do when they get their heart broken?

Watch to learn how to help your kid through disappointment without telling them to toughen up (because that doesn’t work).

For sensitive teens: 

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When Your HSC's Imagination Runs Wild...


Your HSC’s Imagination and Their Emotions: A Recipe for Disaster..?

So, you know your kid is gifted with a rich imagination. 

Instead of just telling your kid that rain makes rainbows, your sensitive kid probably wants to know exactly why that happens…

What purpose it serves…

And how it works.

This is all good and fun, but what happens when their imagination tips to the dark end of the spectrum?

For example, your kid sees a scary commercial advertising a Halloween store opening in your area.

Now they’re afraid of the television… 

Or if your kid is a little older, they see a commercial about a medication for a disease.

The next thing you know, they’re obsessed with looking up symptoms of that disease to make sure they don't have it…


Tune in to learn why this is a more serious problem than you think. 

For sensitive teens:

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What is your HSC's potential?


Every week, I talk about parenting sensitive kids and why you need to end the meltdown cycle. This week, I want to do something different.

I want to talk to you about the potential of your Highly Sensitive child and explain how their gift can change the world if they know how to use it. 

To start, let’s discuss why eliminating the meltdown cycle is imperative to your child’s future, and what is possible for their future.

Our mission is to remove suicidal thinking and self-harm behavior for the entire Highly Sensitive population.

Decades of research shows: Sensitive people who grow up in an environment that doesn't fit their emotional needs, which is often due to a mismatch in parenting, develop chronic self harm, aggressive and/or suicidal behaviors. 

So, what IS possible for your family and HSCs future? Tune in to find out.

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How to Prepare your HSC for BAD News


If you are staying up past midnight googling “how to tell my kid bad news without them freaking out on me or hating me,” 

This message is for you.

It’s hard enough helping your HSC navigate changes in plans or new circumstances.

How can you possibly prepare them to hear unexpected bad news?!

You can’t control when their favorite teacher quits, or their best friend moves away...

Or being around your aunt who complains about everything and casually brings up devastating news in front of the children...

Or your niece who lost their hamster and won’t stop talking about it…

How can you say “your cousin might be sad today because Spot died” without causing your HSC to meltdown? 

It’s normal to be sad when a pet or loved one passes away, but fearing the meltdown from your HSC is another story.

Tune in while I discuss how to prepare your HSC for surprised BAD news. 


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Is it hormones or is my kid Highly Sensitive?


As your child grows into a teenager, how do you really feel about it?

No shame here. We were all teenagers once, and it’s safe to say that NONE of us would go back in time to live through puberty again...

Be honest.

Are you holding your breath because you can’t imagine adding hormones on top of mood swings? Or adding their physical appearance on top of the list of preexisting worries?

And the peer pressure… learning how to be yourself and fit in at the same time…

When they already didn’t feel like they fit in…

Watch the video above as I knock out the phrase "It's just hormones, they'll grow out of it!"

Because it's not just hormones, and they won’t grow out of it. It's something else. 

For sensitive teens: 

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Case of the Mondays Myth Busting


It’s like that song Manic Monday, except it sounds more like   “....Actually everyday is like this...And I don’t know why my kid is miserable!”   

When your child won’t wake up on time and the meltdown starts before they even open their eyes all the way, dread sits in the back of your throat while you sleep. You can't help but think:

"Tomorrow morning is going to be another s*** show."

Take our client Diana. After 3 years of dealing with major meltdowns, she was worried that her relationship with her HSC (3rd grade) would not survive into adulthood.

Watch LIVE while I bust some myths about meltdowns and what you need to focus on in 3 steps. (Spoiler: it’s not a sleep routine!)

For sensitive children:

For sensitive teens:

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