Myth Busting: The truth about a Coping Skills Toolbox


A typical pattern we hear from parents working to help their child end the meltdown cycle is to focus on their child’s coping skills. 

When you’re in the middle of surviving this cycle you can get stuck in throwing things at the wall to see what sticks…

…So, here’s what the cycle looks like: your child has a meltdown.

You try to help them through it.

While they’re melting down, you’re teaching them to use a skill, and they refuse to use it in the moment…

So, you try to talk about it later…

…and when the next meltdown comes, your child refuses again, and you do it all over again… and again… and again… for all eternity… 

…it seriously feels like it will be, because when you feel this reactive, it’s jarring to think about how your child would ever stop their meltdown behavior.

When your child isn’t consistent with their coping skills it’s quite frustrating to...

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5 reasons WHY you and your spouse ARE actually on the same page

I’m going to speak to you as a wife for a second… My husband has NO parenting expertise. 

I have had to overcome several myths to get us on the same page, the very same ones I helped my clients through early on in my career, before I just simply made a decision to not buy into the story from one parent that the other wasn’t committed. 

Once I made that decision, I stopped hearing from parents that one was less committed than the other.

Once I had a kid, however, I had to remember these decisions and apply them to my husband. Because, as you know, professional and personal lives are different.

So, I did the work. 

When you’re dealing with ending the daily meltdown cycle, it’s important to BELIEVE with every fiber of your being that your spouse wants to live a different life than what you’re living right now. 

It’s your turn:


MYTH:: Your partner is certain their way “works”.

FACT: Your partner knows...

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Survival Mode Parenting


For many, this year has been a whirlwind of intense emotions, loss, grief and disruption. And many opportunities of growth have posed themselves for parents.

In that avenue, this year has been one of witnessing hundreds of parents reaching out for help, accessing it,  setting their sensitive children up for success while simultaneously learning how to set boundaries for themselves.  A feat for parents of sensitive children to begin with, and in a pandemic, an even bigger achievement.

Now more than ever, your children are looking to you to see how they can respond to fear.

Your priority as a parent is to stay strong, guide yourselves, and focus on love as we lead our children to manage emotions from a place of compassion.

This disruption to the family dynamic while the country creates safety in a pandemic isn’t going away for many months. If your child isn’t emotionally available for learning in a new setting, they can fall further behind in their schooling as...

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When Autism Doesn’t Seem to Fit… HSC and/or ASD…Which one is it?


When Autism Doesn’t Seem to Fit… HSC and/or ASD…Which one is it? Join me as I discuss this. 

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Your HSC and school


Where do we draw the line with school?  

Helping your child get used to the pandemic school day is hard enough, and if you’re parenting a Highly Sensitive Child, you need to be on your toes.  

We speak to so many parents who report they’re lost in leading their children out of the fog of responsibilities of schooling behind a screen.  

When you have a child who is experiencing intense emotions and you throw them into online school, there are a few things you need to pay attention to so this year doesn’t become a wash at best.

Watch the video now!

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6 Coping Potholes in Parenting an HSC


When it comes to breaking the meltdown cycle, many parents will want to address where they get stuck with their child's behavior, and none of that will matter without getting unstuck in your own behavior.

You know you play a pivotal role in managing your own emotions, but on the live video I made this week I discussed how you play a pivotal role in perpetuating the meltdown cycle, through your own understanding of the cycle itself.

I discuss the 6 Coping Potholes in Parenting an HSC and the one thing you need to change to fix them all in this video.

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[Video] She was one FRIED mama!


How one FRIED mama went from wearing her baby NONSTOP to keep him safe from her preschooler’s hits, to regularly relaxing on the couch with her hubby while the kids play safely.

Join me in learning from Toni’s journey from fear, hyper-vigilance, and trying all of the strategies, to calmly supporting her son in ceasing the meltdown cycle…all with more energy and while taking on a new job! 

Watch the video now!

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Your HSC has a higher risk of developing a mental health diagnosis

Your Highly Sensitive Child has a higher risk of developing a mental health diagnosis simply because the personality trait is not part of mainstream parent guidance nor covered in graduate school for mental health professionals. 

Be sure to understand WHY your HSC has a diagnosis of Anxiety or ADHD, and isn’t just misdiagnosed because your local provider is not familiar with the trait.

Learn the difference between Highly Sensitive Children, Anxiety, and ADHD in my interview on a summit HERE

The last thing you want to do is put a label on your child’s permanent record that dictates an ineffective path for supporting your child through her major struggles. Working with a professional who is unfamiliar with the Highly Sensitive personality trait is not effective at reducing symptoms of anxiety or determining whether your child is diagnosed effectively. 

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[Video] Are my child's meltdowns really that bad?


Many parents ask me... My child is having meltdowns... is it really that bad? Isn't that normal for kids?

How my 10+ years of expertise working with Highly Sensitive Children & their families and my personal family experiences impacts my opinion, and what that means for your family.

Watch this video to learn more! 

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Supporting Your HSC through Major Changes


As schools are temporarily closing to avoid spread of COVID-19, and child care arrangements are changing, many parents are reaching out now more than ever for support, especially if their HSC is struggling with big emotions.

Join me as I discuss key points in the opportunities that arise to support your child through unexpected fear.

Watch the video to learn more!

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